Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Terrific Transformations Part Two: The Kitschy Kitchen

I have taken a little blogging hiatus lately, but I am back to report on the crafty details I've completed to go with my kitschy kitchen! As you might recall, when in Missoula I visited an awesome consignment furniture store, Echo Echo Home Furnishings, where I purchased my super cute and kitschy lime green dining room table and two teal chairs, along with a plain wooden chair.

Well, after thrift storing, I found another chair to round out the dining set (only $1.99! Great!) and I settled on a sunshine yellow and the bright coral/orange as paint colors for the chairs. My fabulous sister helped out with both projects. We also painted three shelves in aqua, yellow, and coral to hang in the dining area, so that I can add some photos and decorative elements to the space. I already owned 2 of the shelves and the other was an inexpensive buy from Echo Echo, so that was a major plus, too! You might also notice an aqua coat rack there. That's another thing I already owned - I thought it would be great for either the dining room or the kitchen, as I plan to hang aprons, oven mitts, and the like on it. Best of all, the blue color matches my kitchen cannisters from Target almost exactly!

Speaking of cannisters...the other project for the kitchen that my sister and I have completed is totally fun, inexpensive, and DIY! I took a tip from one of my favorite blogs, iHeart Organizing, and reused some old soup cans by covering them in pretty scrapbook paper! I did 2 regular soup cans, 2 family-sized, a jar, a small and clean paint can I found in the garage, and a pringles can! (I know that last one seems odd, as it can't fit regular kitchen utensils or gadgets as the others can...but I plan to store tea bags or sweetener packets in there.)

I really loved this project for tons of reasons: 1. I love injecting colors into rooms, and this was an easy way to do so! 2. I love scrapbook paper, and am always looking for creative ways to use it outside of a scrapbook itself. 3. It was sooo easy, just a matter of scrounging up cans, washing them, measuring paper, and gluing! Presto! I loved the project so much, in fact, that I made a few pencil cans for my desk...and then for my fiance's (in appropriate, male colors, of course)...but I think I'll share those pictures (along with another office crafty-art project I just completed) at a later time!

You might notice the little cannisters labled TBCG to the right of that photo. What are they? Ingenious spice holders that my crafty sister dreamed up! You can read all about the process here, at her blog, and learn how to transform old Eclipse gum cannisters into your own spice containers! (It involves more scrapbook paper and stickers - so of course I love it! - a magnet, and a little glue...) Here are the spice holders in action on a fridge.

Adorable, right? So a little paint and scrapbook paper truly goes a long way...I think our kitchen and dining areas will be bright and cheery :) I'll be sure to post pictures of the completed spaces once we're actually moved in!

Stay tuned for tomorrow's Wednesday wish list, and part three of the transformations!!

1 comment:

  1. woohoo, love to see the DIY, you are a lot more brave with colors than me, very fun. I like your spice container ideas also.


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