Friday, February 17, 2012

DIY painted spoons

The other day on Pinterest I came across this lovely photo:

It just so happened that I had recently packed away some of our wooden spoons when making room for some wedding gifts! So I pulled those bad boys out to make my own, more colorful version of the pinned picture.

It was super easy. First I rigged up a cardboard box destined for recycling to be a drying area. I didn't want any paint dribbling on my counters. So I just popped some clippy spoon rests (love them for cooking! Buy here) to the box so I could insert the painted spoons for drying.

If you don't have clippy spoon guys already, then you can also make something similar yourself out of a binder clip, paper clip, and some sort of ring. I used a carabiner, but a regular key ring would work too.

Next came the painting. I just cleaned the spoons, then dipped them in my bottles of craft paint. I went with a yellow, pink, and teal, but then decided I wanted lime green instead of yellow, so I redipped one.

To get a nice even coverage, dip the spoon handle in, press down hard, and swirl it around. It will be very drippy.

Go ahead and put it in the spoon rest, then take a paint brush and use it to remove the excess paint and do touch-ups. I used the bottom of the box to brush the extra paint away.

Let them dry overnight, and then they're ready!

My sister & I DIYed that crock with my Silhouette :)

It was such an easy project and I love how the spoons turned out! Best thing? I had everything on hand so it was 100% free! Gotta love that.

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