Friday, May 18, 2012

Fab Finds Friday: Pyrex Love

I suffer from a peculiar and potent brand of I-didn't-buy-it remorse.

Somehow, after almost two years since the trip, looking back at this photo from my River Market shopping excursion nags me.

Why? Because there are several Pyrex bowls (multiple Butterprints, which is a favorite pattern of mine) sitting plain as day on that shelf. And I didn't even pick them up!

This trip was taken before the Pyrex bug bit me. It was my first antiquing experience, actually. So I shouldn't blame myself.

But I do.

What were they priced at? I wonder. I like to pretend they were wildly expensive (let's face it, they probably were.)

But still, they call to me.

Even worse? This close-up of the little alarm clock I bought on the same trip shows a blue Pyrex mixing bowl sitting right next to it. The price tag is visible but the price itself is not fully. I think it says $9.75, which is too much for me, but I can't be sure. (If so, though, the other pieces surely would've been overpriced.)

If only I could turn back time!

But enough looking backwards. Let's celebrate the Pyrex that I have recently purchased.
Originally I was stashing my Pyrex goods on this cubby space that floats above our kitchen island:

But since its inception, that little vignette has seen quite the influx of milk glass due to my addiction to it fondness for it. And once I bought this Butterfly Gold Cinderella bowl for $9 and this Woodland mixing bowl for $2, I couldn't help but notice that they'd play nicely off the colors of the newly relocated map:

...especially when combined with the aqua Butterprint bowl I already had. See, don't they look great together under the map?

But they couldn't stay there because then my kitchen scale would be displaced, plus when you stand up you can totally see the empty cookie dough container and little ceramic ramekin I use to nest the bowls so that you can see each design :)

And not to mention that I had three new casseroles to consider, too! A Butterfly Gold ($8.50), a Friendship ($7.50), and a Gooseberry ($6.50) joined the Butterprint I already owned to form my new multi-pattern casserole collection:

I just love those little birdies on the top of the Friendship :)

Thus, knowing I wanted these Pyrex pieces closer to the map, I decided to rework the tall shelving unit to the right of our dishwasher. Previously it was a little cluttery, home to miscellaneous bottles, jars, and dishes, including some lovely nesting bowls that were hidden because I never stacked them properly. I've never really shown it on the blog because it never quite felt right. In fact, I must have been so eager to get my new Pyrex display up that I failed to take good before & after pictures! Here's the best I can dig up. You can see the shelf on the right side:

And the bottom was even worse...cluttered with spare napkins from fast food joints, dry cat food we no longer use since we switched to canned, and some old kitchen stuff we don't use. It was not looking photo-worthy.

But now it definitely does! All my colored Pyrex (plus two fun graphic salesman glasses I purchased at an antique shop) looks at home on the first three shelves:

While the bottom three host my Butterprint butter dish, some colorful nesting mixing bowls from Crate & Barrel, a Martha Stewart Dutch oven, and our cat food + the saucers we feed her from (since the cat dines at the foot of that shelf).

I made sure to put the butter dish & the Friendship casserole on lower shelves so you could actually see their designs:

And the stack of 3 bowls on top so you can't see the items within that I used to nest them:

I also added this funny green cow dish on top of the Butterprint & Goosberry casseroles, just because:

Now all is right with the world! The top stack looks great next to the map, and the other colorful bowls just look good in general with their dining room surroundings:

Those of you keeping track of my rapidly growing Pyrex collection might notice that a few pieces--the Snowflake, Early American, and Square Flowers--aren't on display with the others. That's because I decided their colors didn't quite go with the brightness of the dining room. I actually quite like how they look stacked with my green floral Glasbake dish on the island cubby:

And now my milk glass obsession collection is lovely, not cluttered, on the other side:

Ahhhh. I love it!

How do you store your collections? I'd love to know!


  1. You are having so much fun with your collections. They are beautiful and practical, and you have made artful displays.

  2. Where i can find the green cow dish?


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