Luckily, I finished up most of the planning when we were home for the summer (two things left: signing the floral contract and sending my lovely MOH/sister Megan to meet with the cake decorator) so my wedding fever mostly consists of daydreaming rather than stressing/planning. Thank heavens--planning from home was crazy enough, but planning from 2000+ miles away? That would suck.
Anyway, the fiance and I will be waltzing down the aisle on Friday, January 13, 2012. (Yes, you read that correctly. We are crazies who are messing with fate/superstition and picking the unluckiest day of the year. Please cross your fingers for us that there isn't a freak snow/ice storm.)
Of course I don't want to reveal all of the deets on here (gotta surprise the guests and leave some stuff out so I can recap it later!) but I thought I'd use the blog as a mood board for what our wedding will look like. So, without further ado, some wedding inspiration!
I obviously can't show my dress on here in case the fiance might see it, but here are the bridesmaids dresses in our three colors! Originally I wanted orange and pink, but that felt too summery for our winter wedding, so using the peacock feather as an inspiration I chose this trio of jewel tones. The girls will wear them in that order (one lapis, one sangria, one jade, one lapis, one sangria...and so on). The boys were going to have matching vests and ties, but one of the vests (the lapis) came in a different pattern than the rest of them, and it drove me bonkers, so they're all wearing goldish vests and matching ties. The girls get their pick of goldish shoes (flats, pumps, or pumps with cute bows!)
I am obsessed with this bouquet. Our wedding has a loose peacock theme, so the peacock feathers got me. And the colors are exactly what I'm looking for! I also love the eclectic look of the arrangment.
More peacock goodness. I love the look of this cake! I have a few ideas up my sleeve to make it my own, though...
A few fun diversions for guests at their tables--perfect for the reception! I plan to personalize these in our colors.

{via here}
This is my inspiration for our table numbers: a menu glued to the bottle and the number stuck in the cork. Unfortunately we can't have full bottles of wine at our tables (the bartenders have to serve all alcohol), but on the bright side, that means my family, friends and I have to consume enough of a specific wine so that we have empty bottles at each table ;) ha ha. I'll share the results of this wedding craft after the big day!
Our reception hall has tons of bulletin boards, so we want to personalize those as well. Here are some ideas I have for decorating the boards:
I absolutely can't wait to start crafting for the big day! I've had to hold myself back for the past few months. Once we get back home for winter break, I'll break out my (huge) wedding to-do list and get crackin'. (Preview of that list: 1) make 60 tissue poof balls; 2) prepare decorations for bulletin boards; 3) make thank-you cards; 4) design, print, and cut out seating cards; 5) make banner; 6) craft table numbers...those are just a few of them!) And I'll make sure to take pictures as I crack away so that I can share the projects with you on the blog!
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