Friday, March 2, 2012

Paper pinwheel wreath

I've been on a crafting kick lately. It's my goal to complete the items on my Pinterest to-do list. So far I've made paint chip gradient art and rearranged some existing frames to create a focal wall in my bedroom.

Next I decided to tackle this paper pinwheel wreath:

I wanted to use some bright colored paper rather than making mine 4th-of-July themed (though I love that wreath! And America!)

I grabbed a few wreath forms from Goodwill ($1! Some had flowers and various ugly things glued to them, but I just ripped those embellishments off). It never hurts to have a few spare wreath forms on hand.

Then I used scraps from my handmade wedding thank you cards (I'll post on them soon!) and made pinwheels following these instructions. It's pretty easy peasy--I did it while watching TV.

After I folded enough materials to cover the wreath (I just guesstimated), I tied some orange baker's twine to the other layer of the wreath so that I'd be able to hang it later. Then I just started hotgluing the pinwheels to the wreath. I applied a big glob of hot glue to the pinwheels...

and pressed them hard onto the wreath form.

I made my way around the wreath, layering the pinwheels and alternating between the colors.

Here's how she turned out!

I love how colorful the wreath is--it really brightens up our blah beige door. It's certainly not spring up here in Montana yet, but I'm hoping this bright and cheery wreath can coax out some sunshine!

Weekend Bloggy Reading

Linking to Serenity Now's "Weekend Bloggy Reading."

IHeart Organizing

And to iHeartOrganizing's "Project Pretty!"

And to Tatertots and Jello's "Weekend Wrap-up!"


  1. Oh cute! I love the colors you used to brighten it up too.

    The Hyper House

  2. All of these colors are just so perfect all together. Very Springy and I love it:) thanks for sharing.


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