Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Fourth of July!

In honor of America's birthday, I thought I would post my four favorite 4th-related crafts and cooking projects...enjoy!

1. Firework Pens. What a cute idea for sprucing up pens around the office for the holiday!

2. Keep guests cool while they're out enjoying fireworks with these festive fans!

3. Who doesn't love a welcoming holiday wreath? This one from Family Corner is bursting with US pride!

4. I looooove cupcakes, so of course I love the blog Cupcakes Take the Cake! They've had a ton of adorable 4th of July cupcakes featured lately, and here are some of my faves:

Adorable and mouth watering, right?

I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday (I know I am - it's great to relax with the family and watch fireworks!) and check back soon!

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